Armenian Mother Hits Daughter: Shocking Video Reveals Disturbing Abuse

Discover the shocking incident of an Armenian Mother Hits Daughter in a disturbing video that has sparked outrage. Learn about the details of the abuse and criminal behavior, as well as the response from law enforcement and human rights defenders. Explore the potential punishment and the call for awareness in seeking justice for this appalling act. Visit for more updates on this distressing case.

Armenian Mother Hits Daughter: Shocking Video Reveals Disturbing Abuse
Armenian Mother Hits Daughter: Shocking Video Reveals Disturbing Abuse
Key Takeaways
Incident: Armenian mother hits daughter in disturbing video
Details: Abuse, humiliation, and rape of young daughter
Response: Investigation by law enforcement and human rights defenders
Potential Punishment: Up to 14-25 years in prison
Call for Awareness: Do not share the video or personal information

The Shocking Incident: Armenian Mother Hits Daughter in Disturbing Video

Details of the Incident

In a harrowing incident that has sent shockwaves through Armenia, a disturbing video has emerged showing an Armenian mother brutally assaulting and abusing her own daughter. The video, which quickly spread on social media, depicts a horrifying scene where the mother beats, humiliates, and even rapes the young child in front of her other children. The distressing footage captures the mother’s cruel actions as she strips the child naked and invites her other children to join in the violence.

Impact on Public Opinion

The release of the video sparked widespread outrage and garnered significant attention from both the public and law enforcement agencies. The graphic nature of the abuse depicted in the footage has led to a collective outcry for justice for the victimized child. This incident has shed light on the urgent need for action to protect vulnerable individuals and address issues of domestic violence within society.

The Shocking Incident: Armenian Mother Hits Daughter in Disturbing Video
The Shocking Incident: Armenian Mother Hits Daughter in Disturbing Video

Uncovering the Case: Details of the Abuse and Criminal Behavior

Abuse and Humiliation

The disturbing video that surfaced online revealed the extent of the abuse inflicted upon the young daughter by her own mother. The footage captures the mother physically assaulting the child, subjecting her to severe beatings and humiliation. The child can be seen pleading for mercy, highlighting the distressing and traumatic nature of the abuse she endured. This shocking display of violence has raised serious concerns about the well-being and safety of children within their own homes.

Criminal Acts and Previous History

The actions of the Armenian mother in the video constitute a series of criminal acts, including physical assault, humiliation, and even rape. This case has exposed a deeply troubling pattern of behavior, as it was revealed that the mother had a previous criminal history, including perjury, for which she had served a three-month prison sentence in 2017. The fact that this individual had a history of criminal behavior raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system in addressing and preventing such heinous acts.

Uncovering the Case: Details of the Abuse and Criminal Behavior
Uncovering the Case: Details of the Abuse and Criminal Behavior

Response from Law Enforcement and Human Rights Defenders

As news of the shocking incident spread, law enforcement agencies swiftly responded by initiating an investigation into the case. The police announced their commitment to thoroughly examine the evidence and hold the mother accountable for her actions. Alongside the efforts of law enforcement, human rights defenders, led by Armenia’s Human Rights Defender, Anahit Manasyan, have taken immediate action. They have started working on the case, urging the public to refrain from sharing the distressing video or any personal information that could further harm the victim. This collaborative response from both law enforcement and human rights defenders demonstrates a commitment to seeking justice and protecting the rights of the child involved.

Response from Law Enforcement and Human Rights Defenders
Response from Law Enforcement and Human Rights Defenders

Seeking Justice: Potential Punishment and Call for Awareness

The actions of the Armenian mother in this disturbing case have raised serious concerns about the safety and well-being of children. Local attorneys have stated that the woman could face multiple charges, and if convicted, she may be sentenced to up to 14-25 years in prison. This potential punishment reflects the severity of the crimes committed and the need for a strong legal response to deter such acts of violence.

Furthermore, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of raising awareness about domestic violence and child abuse. It is crucial for society to come together to prevent such heinous acts and protect vulnerable individuals, especially children, from harm. By sharing information, supporting organizations that work towards preventing abuse, and advocating for stronger laws and enforcement, we can strive to create a safer environment for all.

Seeking Justice: Potential Punishment and Call for Awareness
Seeking Justice: Potential Punishment and Call for Awareness
The contents of this article have been compiled from multiple sources, such as and various newspapers. Although we have made substantial efforts to authenticate the information, we cannot ensure that every aspect is completely accurate and verified. Therefore, we advise exercising caution when referencing this article or utilizing it as a source for research or reports.


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